Monday, December 04, 2006

Extracting Files from a Package on Solaris

Recently I was having trouble getting the mysql gem installed on our solaris x86 servers at work. Basically the slowaris box didn't have the mysql-client headers needed to build the native extension for the mysql gem. As a work around, while I'm waiting for the sysadmin guys to install the headers, I downloaded the mysql4devel.pkg from blastwave:

Ok, now I have the package, but how the heck to I extract its contents? I'm not root nor do I have sysadmin privileges so I certainly can usd [pkgadd] and install the little booger.

After I bit of research I found that you can use [pkgtrans] to extract the files from .pkg archive.

The following extracts the contents of the .pkg archive into a tmp directory (Note: you must create the temporary directory first, then extract)

[mkdir tmp && pkgtrans mysql4devel.pkg tmp]

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